Berlin Art Week


Our beloved Berlin is not only a hub for young fashion talent, but for creatives in general and that will be proven again this week, with the annual Berlin Art Week that kicks off today. Every year the local art scene gathers, attracting people from all over the world with established art fairs, Museum gigs, gallery openings and its renowned after-parties. From the 16th until the 21st just stroll around the city streets and you will find a gallery worth popping into, or mingle with the crowd standing outside one of the city’s many museums. In case can’t see the wood for the trees, we’re presenting you some must-see recommendations:


Kick-off Berlin Art Week, Akademie der Kunste
16/09, from 19h
Hanseatenweg 10
Opening, Exhibition, Performance, Party 

Tonight, to kick off this week of art festivities, the Akademie will be transformed into a stage for musicians and performance artists, a studio for film art and a platform for established as well as young creatives. The AdK not only opens its doors for art enthusiasts that night, but equally hosts a ‘home-made’ exhibition Schwindel der Wirklichkeit -Vertigo of Reality – in which the university examines the construction and deconstructions of the reality in the arts, asking questions such as “How do aesthetical production and political as well as social space interact with each other?” The event is also introduced online with live streams and interviews with the artists. An innovative way of combining art and technology identifiable with the concept behind the exhibition.


Berliner Liste, fair for contemporary arts
18/09 – 21/ 09
Postbahnhof, Str. der Pariser Kommune 8
Art Fair  

Here is another big event you will not want to miss out on. Postbahnhof, a location often used for parties, will be hosting a fair for contemporary arts, accommodating 112 exhibitors from all over the world in an industrial setting. A definite go-to destination if you’re curious for an overview of what’s currently going on in the international art industry.


Noviembre, Juan-Pedro Fabra Guemberena
11/09 – 11/10
Kinderhook & Caracas gallery, Kreuzbergstr. 42e

Chosen by the Berlin Art Week jury as the project space to visit, Kinderhook & Caracas is your destination for a peek in the more independent Berlin art scene. The gallery is currently exhibiting Noviembre by Juan-Pedro Fabra Guemberena in which the Uruguay-born artists tells the story of his personal life intertwined with references of his mother, an urban guerilla activist, through the use of documents, videos, collages and sound.


Opening Rinus Van de Velde
Zink gallery, Linienstr. 23
Opening, Exhibition

Rinus Van de Velde, being a front runner in the Belgian younger generation of artists, instantly walked into fame as the face of L’Officiel Homme’s last issue. Rinus places himself in his charcoal illustrations as a protagonist, experiencing an imaginary trip in stark contrast to the dull action of drawing in an atelier all day. For his exposition in the ZINK gallery he has worked on a number of charcoal works with, complementary to the story on those drawings, an installation that invites viewers inside the story he wishes to share.
Parergon, Mariana Castillo Deball
20/09/14 – 01/03/15
Hamburger Bahnhof, Invalidenstr. 50-51
Winning the National Gallery Prize for Young Art a year ago, this Berlin-based Mexican artist is certainly one to watch. In the historic halls of the famous Hamburger Bahnhof museum she will present Parergon, meaning supplementary work, where she devotes herself to the ‘biographies of things’. As the title suggests Mariana examines the history of collections, its protagonists, buildings and exhibits, in particular regarding migrations and reorganizations of the objects. She sets that which has been forgotten into a new contextual relationship for spectators to read it alternatively.
Kunstquartier Bethanien/Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 1
Exhibition, Performance, Party
As the city is notorious for its nightlife, Berlin Art Week could not pass by without an unforgettable party. Therefore, at the end of the week the Kommunale Galerien Berlin hosts Kunstnacht at Bethanien Quartier, where you can see artists and art-related bands perform throughout the night.


Filippa K x Interview x Sarah Illenberger
Filippa K store, Kurfürstendamm 29

For the perfect art and fashion combo, head over to the Filippa K store. There the Scandinavian minimalist clothing brand paired up with Interview Germany for this occasion and invited  Sarah Illenberger to show one of her installations. Having her work featured in the Hermes shop windows and on the cover of several high-end fashion magazines, this collaboration promises to be a match made in heaven. Invites only, but the shop window is large enough. Therefore when gazing through the crowd of fashionistas, you’ll be able to see some of the art.
