Esther Perbandt


Last week, on July 12, 2023, a captivating fashion showcase unfolded at Berlin Fashion Week, featuring the latest collection by Berlin-born fashion designer Esther Perbandt in collaboration with AchtBerlin, held at Schönhauser Allee 8. The renowned designer, known for her distinctive black collections and performative presentations, showcased a blend of delicate, sheer fabrics and her signature heavy, sculptural designs. Titled “Concrete Jungle,” Perbandt’s summer collection merged elements of the ‘80s with the raw beauty of brutalist architecture, creating a visual feast.

all b/w pics with courtesy of Isa Foltin for Getty Images

The “Concrete Jungle” collection drew inspiration from nature, creating an intriguing contrast alongside the influence of brutalist architecture.
 At the presentation 18 looks were shown by models standing within an atrium, creating a reminiscent aquarium-like atmosphere. Birds as recurring motifs throughout the collection were artfully woven into jacquard fabric, incorporated into tops and dresses. Moreover, elegant floor-length dresses made of sturdy cotton fabric were shown, which gave a feeling of upcoming flight. The ambiance was intensified by large headdresses of hair resembling trees, adorned with black helium balloons that floated upward and reached toward the courtyard. Adding to the sensory experience, cellist Susanne Szambelan performed between two gingko trees, providing a melodic accompaniment.

AchtBerlin, the venue of the show, offered a fitting setting for the dynamic fashion showcase, representing a visionary space that nurtures creatives and embraces Berlin’s entrepreneurial ethos. The building blends modern architectural design with the city’s rich cultural heritage. Furthermore, Esther Perbandt holds a personal connection to the building, having organized her first self-arranged fashion show there back in January 2010.

Esther Perbandt’s commitment to sustainable fashion and her stance against “fast fashion” were felt throughout the event. Her symbolic black universe, representing infinity and encompassing all colors, served as a reminder of the inherent beauty in apparent sameness. Her career has been marked by a continuous exploration of the concept of infinity as a central creative element.
