
Mody Al Khufash’s story for Œ Magazine was inspired by the legendary Arabian creature “Jinn”, a spirit who—according to common superstitions—holds the power of revealing the future… Mody is also the author of the stirring work of letters framing his picturesque motifs. The beautiful writing hides a poem about a girl who visits a psychic in the hope of finding out about her future love live. After reading her coffee cup, the man informs her that she will be married within a month, although, tragically, not to the man she is in love with.

Left: Jacket | Vintage – Right: Jacket, Belt and Boots | Vintage
Left: Coat | Vintage, Dress | Augustin Teboul – Right: Dress | Augustin Teboul, Boots | Vintage
Left: Turtleneck | Jil Sander, Dress | Augustin Teboul, Boots | Vintage – Right: Dress | Vintage
Left: Turtleneck | Vintage Right: Turtleneck | Jil Sander, Dress | Augustin Teboul, Boots | Vintage

Photography |
Mody Al Khufash
Model |  Tabesch
Production | JLFF studio
