Levelling Love

Levelling Love is the suggestive outcome of a styling workshop held at Akademie Mode & Design. Supported by Julia Quante‘s expertise, students of the III Semester developed a concept and, together with photographer Marcus Paarmann and make-up artist Berenice Ammann, produced a fashion story that, we feel, stands for a whole lot of potential!

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AMD Workshop Berlin
„Concept & Styling“ 2016 led by Julia Quante
Protography Marcus Paarmann
Hair & Make UpBerenice Ammann
Models | Daniel – Core Management, Julian – PMA, Marie Paule – Viva Models

Students Ekin Aktan, Jacqueline Durst, Beatriz Quiza, Felix Gerke, Sophia Grupe, Kim Höbel, Tabea Hönicke, Jessica Jäger, Meriel Jonas, Rebecca Kaiser, Armaghan Khodjasteh, Celina Kilian, Katharina Kirov, Alina Lambrecht, Kristina Lind, Fabio Pace, Nicole Radloff, Valentina Reuwer, Ragna Rudloff, Sophia Steube, Nele Leonie Tüch, Lena Walischewski, Berit Warta, Anna Laura Watty, Maria Ziegelmayer, Hanna Wiebersiek
