René Staebler

Berlin based fashion photographer René Staebler has grabbed our attention in recent weeks with his ambitious work, ranging from incredibly high-detailed still life, to stylised portraiture and fashion editorials.

Focussing on a broad range of techniques and aesthetics, René shows a real mastering of his craft, creating imagery of the highest precision and quality. There is a clarity to his work, which in combination with the sheer resolution of his images, points to his real knowledge and grasp of complex lighting.

He transcends both still life and human portraiture, capturing colliding paint mid-air with absolute precision, to create some of the most dynamic fast capture imagery out there. Equally, he captures models in mid-air poses, donning heavy garments, creating real movement to his work. And what might seem complex and challenging, relying on skill and technique, actually possesses something very clean and understated at the same time. Whilst his subjects are often complex, detailed, highly coloured and regularly in movement, he combines this with neutral backgrounds, giving his imagery space and air, and above all allowing the subjects to stand out and speak for themselves.

Yet he doesn’t merely produce highly stylised and indeed complex studio photography, his series entitled “Meerbraut” explores black and white imagery in rural locations, combining striking close-ups with landscape shots. He intertwines his story in the faces of his models, as well as in their interaction with their surrounding environment. With rock and water, his scenery provides a barren backdrop offering decay and hostility; above all a lifeless environment with little movement, contradicting the dynamism of his studio work perfectly. A varied and ambitious photographer, pushing boundaries of form and technique, he’s an exciting prospect to look out for!

He also photographed our latest and much anticipated editorial “Box Clever” which will be published in the next few days, so make sure to look out for that!

You can take a look at more of his work on his website:

