Richert Beil

Richert Beil is a German fashion label founded in 2014 by designers Jale Richert and Michele Beil who met at ESMOD Berlin International University of Art for Fashion. During their studies, they successfully completed several internships with Peter Pilotto, James Long and Iris von Arnim. Not long after, the two worked for Berlin-based Patrick Mohr until starting on their timeless, ready-to-wear line. With a heavy focus on jackets and coats, the designers have chosen to concentrate on the conceptual details that make a brand unique. Everyday life with its bizarre, thrilling and touching stories inspire the work of the two designers. Recently we caught up with the duo to learn more about their up-and-coming work.

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You both studied at ESMOD Berlin, after that you worked together for Patrick Mohr. When did the plan come up to found a fashion company by yourself?
Richert: As I have always been very independent and focused, I already knew at an early age that I wanted to run my own business. When I met Michele, the idea of an independent business grew and became more specific. He inspires me and gives me the courage to try this. When working for Patrick, we both realized that working together also functions pretty well in a professional sense, not only during studies. This was a kind of reality check for us.
Beil: By working with Jale, the idea of founding my own company kept growing on me. We soon realized that our work combines pretty well and we appreciate each other. After two years of working for Patrick, we decided that the time was right for founding our own label.

How does one’s work complement the other? As you are both designers how do you find the same design language and how do you work out a conflict?
Richert: We harmonize together in our strengths and complement each other in our weaknesses. We do not need words for that. I tend to work more conception ally and creatively and always have the big picture in sight. Michele on the other hand draws design after design and is very focused and concentrated on the details of the garments. In the end, everything comes together as one.
Beil: Of course we have arguments. Mostly, we are yelling badly at each other, but usually it takes no longer than 10 seconds before one of us is having a laughing fit, so it’s never serious.

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Why did you choose Berlin to establish your company?
Beil: We are not head over heels with Berlin. It is often too loud and ruthless. We do love the flexibility and ease of the city through. You have to make use of that without too much distraction. So it’s good that our studio is on the 6th floor of a courtyard building.
Richert: We really want to be a German fashion brand and feel comfortable here in Berlin. We have to wait and see if the German customers are thrilled by our fashion and whether we receive the support that we need in order to establish our label on the German market.

What did you take from the experience of working for Patrick Mohr?
Beil: Patrick is a good friend and a great character. We did have our differences, but he gave us the chance to work as independent designers with responsibilities for our work. Experiencing this was great. It was not the typical assistant job being only responsible for the coffee machine.
Richert: Patrick does not depend on the opinion of others. Maybe that is why many think of him as being provocative. We think that his ways are really refreshing and it often was pretty funny working together. You should not be too attached to the opinion of other people. If you are founding a label, it is raining artful tips of how to do this and that, but not everything makes sense for our very own vision.

Your collection is very basic in terms of colours. Do you consider colours to be outdated?
Beil: No, not outdated. We like to use colors that we feel comfortable with and that we like to surround ourselves in. These are more discrete. In general, we have nothing against colour or prints.
Richert: First of all, it’s not black, it’s a really dark blue. We do not respond to every trend out there. It is just like the artful tips—not everything
makes sense for oneself. We just started. There is a lot more to come.

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Photographer — KIKE Photography
Hair and Make up — Kim Keusen
Female Model — Pepa | M4 Model Management
Male Model — Max Jolivet
