Stella McCartney Introduces the Finalists

DfT Hosted By Stella McCartney - Private Cocktail

St. Agnes rolled out its black carpet again last Thursday to welcome Stella McCartney and her hand picked finalists for the Designer for Tomorrow Award. As the new designer patron for the Peek & Cloppenburg sponsored competition, McCartney replaced Marc Jacobs who has served as a judge and mentor to contestants for the past two years. At the private cocktail event, this year’s finalists Ionana Ciolacu Miron, Katy Clark, Jamie Wei Huang, Hanna Kuklinski, and Annalena Skörl Maul displayed key looks from their collections, which will be presented in full during the Fashion Week award show in July. The winner will be given the opportunity to present her collection on the runway at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin next January and will join McCartney at her spring/summer runway show in Paris. Additionally, DfT has set up an advisory board that will provide the selected designer with professional support as she embarks on establishing her label.

Based on the key looks displayed, this year’s DfT finalists are designers after McCartney’s own heart. Each look displayed a sensible approach to design resulting in wearable pieces that are reflective of McCartney’s propensity for sharp tailoring and wearability. With this in mind, perhaps Peek & Cloppenburg might consider retailing the winner’s collection in select locations this year? Just a thought.

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