SUPERGRAU Wintervernissage

SUPERGRAU is fond of changes. Having been open for a little over a year, the shop recently surprised us all with a little brand makeover. Last week, we were invited to review the Wintervernissage at their Gartenstraße 6 location. As fans of fine interiors and home decor beauty, we were excited to see SUPERGRAU’s apartment in its new guise.

The most visible difference about SUPERGRAU version 2.0 is its fresh offering of up and coming labels, expanding on what once was a monobrand shop. With this, SUPERGRAU has stepped into the world of concept living/interior shop selling fashion accessories, books and beauty products. With a portfolio that includes Tortus Copenhagen Ceramics, SIMON&ME, OAK Natural Beard Care, Ed. Wüsthof Dreizackwerk Solingen, KAI, Carl Mertens,TURMIX, and Sechzisch Vierzisch,  you can count on finding nearly everything you were always looking for.

The cosy but clean ambiance with outstanding pieces makes you want to throw all of your home interior out of the window right before Christmas to make room for new pieces that will upgrade your crib.

And if you don‘t have the perfect Christmas present yet, go and get it at SUPERGRAU!

All the images from the Wintervernissage:

All images by Fabian Forst
