Tata Christiane

tata christiane

Tata Christiane, a hybrid designer who draws a fine line between high fashion and costume design, intermingles fantasy and reality and distills design which is truly unique.

A fashion label founded in 2007 by creatives Julie Bourgeois and Hanrigabriel that bridges both the fashion and art world, producing garments used for a wide range of uses from art performance, theatre, cinema, photography and even music. It is a multidisciplinary production, focusing on a multi-sensual experience; the garments are intended to be seen, worn and touched. There are very few boundaries and very few limitations with their work, creating designs suited for “boys and girls, women and transvestites, men and old people, kings and madmen”. There are no rules with their production and no expectations either; it is a form of experimentation with design, cut, and fabric, creating limited serial and unique pieces. It plays with the theme of absurdity and creates, not so much an inversion of beauty, more a disturbing interpretation of beauty that looks at both extravagance and decay. There is at times an uncomfortable yet fascinating boundary between elegance and bad taste, the sublime and the monstrous. What on one hand could easily slip into punk and the gothic, remains its sense of positivity through the sheer flamboyance, gypsy qualities, and street-edge that the clothes possess.

With its glamour and flamboyance of another era, coupled with the ruggedness of modern streetwear, it’s a brand like no other, and whether or not you have enough gumption to pull it off yourself, it’s something to revel in nonetheless!
