Conceived out of the genuine desire to support women in an industry that, on the one hand, purportedly caters to them, and, on the other, routinely denies them the same access to power as their male counterparts, Œ Magazine’s ninth issue is an ode to the strength, resourcefulness, and vulnerability of feminine creativity. “‘The Female Gaze’ however, is not about paying lip service to the current thematic hype of female empowerment in editorials, but rather a honest attempt to address and broadcast the issue of gender inequality in fashion. And what better a way to stress the importance of female presence than to put a whole issue into the hands of talented women?”
Leafing through its pages, you will encounter ten idiosyncratic fashion landscapes and meet Berlin’s finest female photographers, stylists, hair & make-up artists, as brought together by Œ’s very own Phuong Lam, this time in the role of Fashion Director, and Creative Director Lisa Borges, who enhanced each Editorial with compelling graphics and memorable literary/lyrical quotes.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the talented contributors who made this issue possible, we couldn’t be prouder! Here’s a first look at their brilliant work in joyful anticipation of Friday’s festivities! May this be a celebration of their power and a small step forward in the advancement of women’s fashion.
The Female Gaze Issue will hit the stands shortly and is now available for purchase, here on our website!