

Technology and design are not always compatible, one often being over compensated for the other. So often it’s the case that highly styled technological products over compensate on the aesthetic and under compensate on the product itself, producing something which might indeed look good, but which doesn’t actually serve its main purpose, and is in fact of low quality. This however isn’t the case with headphone brand ‘Frends,’ which we recently discovered when visiting concept store École Boutique on Torstraße, as it combines its unique aesthetic with high quality technology. Starting with the head strap, the design is focussed on the thin cylindrical leather strap followed by the large leather padded earphones, with metallic detailing connecting the earphones to the head strap. However, what sets this brand apart from others is the interchangeable headphone caps, allowing you to accessorise your headphones to your own taste, and evolve depending on your mood. The choice is broad, ranging from plain gold or bronze caps, to elaborate tortoise shell or mother of pearl. There are both distinctly sophisticated designs as well as very modern ones, allowing you to change the style depending on your circumstance. Above all, Frends offers a new standard in design technology.

Check out their designs on their website!




