Heidi Andreasen


In today’s society, the digitalization of the world can no longer be ignored. The computer gave graphic designer Heidi Andreasen the chance to anticipate on this. While attending Central St. Martins, Andreasen turned into a true Photoshop expert, which would later lay the foundation for her work. “Since graduating I’ve been very interested in the subject digital vs organic,” she says.

Through the digital manipulation of images, she recreates her own world, breaking down the boundaries of beauty norms. Inspired by Dadaist works, her collages and pieces contain surreal and irrational aspects. At the moment she is busy with different projects, contributing to numerous publications and and designing covers for other artists. The Berlin-based artist continually tries to expand her framework and her world in generally. For Andreasen, Berlin provides the perfect environment for young artists and free spirits like her.

Visit her page to view more of the artist’s work: www.heidiandreasen.com


