Linus Leonardsson

Born in Stockholm but based in London, Designer Linus Leonardsson consummately strikes the balance between sustainability and glamour. Linus conveyed that his “fashion universe is centred around looking fabulous whilst not forgetting about the societal impact clothes and appearance have.”

Since being invited by the Russian Fashion Council to showcase his graduate collection last October, Linus decided to start his own label with all genders in mind. For Linus, his debut at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia was a defining moment in both his personal life and career. Having the chance to exhibit a collection inspired by Queer party life to an international audience was an undeniably moving experience. Even more so in a country where oppressive LGBTQIA+ laws are still extant. 

Œ was first introduced to Linus back in February, whilst he was hosting a joint presentation with Designer Christoph Ritter for London Fashion Week. The two were exhibiting their latest collections in an intimate and interactive setting, in an attempt to break down the barriers between clothing and consumers. Since launching his second collection ‘Rave New World’, Linus has embarked upon an exciting videography project that he wanted to share with Œ.

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The brand’s second collection ‘Rave New World’ is a play on Aldous Huxley’s novel ‘Brave New World’. For those unfamiliar with the novel, Huxley depicts a dystopian future based on a strictly hierarchical system where different casts limit people’s possibilities in life. This collection confronts society’s inclination to fixating on tradition and conventional exclusivity. Something that Linus believes has become even more apparent throughout the pandemic. 

Drawing parallels between his recent videography project and the pandemic, Linus expressed: “It has become clear from examples in several countries that there is a direct correlation between one’s economic situation and the risk of dying in Covid-19. Unfortunately, self-isolation is a luxury not everybody can afford. Instead, I have reimagined the secluded spaces of modern metropolises to be welcome to a new generation of unapologetic individuals of various genders, ethnicities and backgrounds.” 

Luca Latrofa

Luca Latrofa

In the creation of this collection, along with criticising society, Linus took the time to also reflect on himself. With every decision made, he ensured to question how ecologically responsible it was and what methods he could use to reduce his waste. Ultimately this resulted in ‘Rave New World’ being comprised entirely out of recycled, dead-stock or low-emission materials.

As Linus told Œ: “I’ve tried to step away from that prejudice to show that sustainable fashion doesn’t have to equal dressing oneself in potato sacks and leftover plastic bags – but that it can still make you feel fabulous.” Even down to the smallest details Linus has ensured he has been kind to the environment. The buttons, which are made of glass, wood and mother of pearl, are all second-hand findings. 

Luca Latrofa

Luca Latrofa

‘Rave New World’ also features a knitwear collaboration with The Guestlist, which is a newly found platform for sustainable yet luxurious knitwear. The Woolmark Company, Südwolle Group, Peterseim Strickwaren and Karim Guest have all been involved in helping Linus helping bring the knitwear side of the collection to life. Conscious to avoid overproduction and reduce transportation, have set up a pre-order system whereby the pieces are shipped from the factory in Thuringia, Germany directly to the customer.

Luca Latrofa

Luca Latrofa

As an exemplary model of how you can save the planet whilst still looking fabulous, we look forward at Πto see what other methods of sustainable design Linus Leonardsson will develop with his future collections.

Fashion & Styling – Linus Leonardsson
Video –
Ruari Lane
Photography – Luca Latrofa
