Local Store

New in the neighborhood–Local Store! Exactly one month ago, on the 11th of October, Phillipp Sumpf and Simon Freund added a new destination to Berlin’s ever growing shopping map.

Local Store provides a broad range of men’s wear and lifestyle goods that connect Sumpf’s and Freund’s aesthetics with their own understanding of good design. Brands from all over the world, which produce locally, form a solid base for the Local selection. Here, you will find a timeless collection of pieces carefully put together by the co-owners, who also designed the whole layout, bedecking the shop with designs from local companies like My Kilos and Applied Object and larger brands like BolichGANT Lights and String Shelves. “We don’t believe in seasonal trends, that’s why we only stock very minimalistic and, foremost, timeless products.”

Accessories, furniture, lighting, magazines, stationery, spa products and even liquor offer a complete and unique shopping experience. Among fashion labels like Noble Denim and Tanner Goods, the shop also stocks Sumpf’s and Freund’s own label SIMON&ME–a forward thinking, conceptual brand that shares the spirit of the Local Store. Similar to our vision at Œ, the Local Store’s mission is to create experiences through lasting design made in Germany.

Stop by, stay a while and support your local heros!

Local Store
Fidicinstraße 17
10965 Berlin



