Marlen Mueller

Marlen Mueller OE 6

Up-and-coming Berlin based photographer Marlen Mueller grabbed our attention with her refreshing eclectic style of photography, combining her interests of portraiture, documentary and fashion, distilling something distinctly timeless.

Born in Erfurt Germany in 1988, she pursued her interest in photography at the Bauhaus University Weimar in Media, Art and Design, graduating in 2011, before launching her own eponymous website.

Despite living and working in Berlin, her inspiration stems from American cities and landscapes, inspired by her own road-trips throughout the country. There is a hazy, timeless quality to her work, which creates both intimacy and distance; images which tell, at times, an undecipherable story. Beyond hype or trend, the images capture something both truthful and real; there is something inherently human in all her models.

A hybrid photographer who manages to interweave her interest for these three aspects to create unique imagery, which above all escapes being glossy or commercial, and favours something vastly more wholesome. A newcomer, yet someone with very mature aesthetic; we’re excited to see what comes next to say the least!

You can see more of her work on her website:

Marlen Mueller

Marlen Mueller

Marlen Mueller

Marlen Mueller

Marlen Mueller
