Plage Ouakam

Plage Ouakam is one out of six editorials we produced for Mode Senegal, a print project by Goethe-Institut Senegal to empower the local fashion scene in Dakar.

This project was to become our most amazing work trip to date!

Senegal and its incredibly diverse heritage, countless modern influences, local traditions and the power of 
a whole continent are the starting point for a fashion scene that in huge parts has been fl
ying under the radar for years but is constantly gaining momentum.

The people we met, shops and studios we visited, the homes we were invited to, the food we ate, the stories we were told – all of that left us speechless in times and touched us deeply from the very first day. We could have filled a thousand pages and shoot numerous editorials…

Photography – Dan Beleiu
Styling – Rainer Metz
Make-up – Kate Mur
Model – Ndeye Fatou | Amy Mgmgt
