Vague Dystopia

Vague Dystopia is an oddly serene interpretation of a dystopian future dominated by blacks from UY and cream-colored, fluid pieces from Ivanman or Hien Le.  Only a pop of color on influencer Anouschka breaks the story’s yearning for a more individual expression. Shot by Ulrike Rindermann and styled by Ethan Cowley, who already had the honour to work with the likes of Beyoncé, is the third in a series of stories that provide insight into the three-part fashion film,”Flesh Bones Mind“, released during Berlin Art Week.



Photography: Ulrike Rindermann
Fashion: Ethan Cowley
Hair & Make-up :
Cesar Plaza / Tom FolwarkonTina Fischbach / Basics Berlin
Anouschka Marlene Stuck, Leo Lindemann / Core ManagementSimon Paul / Core Management , Bianca Wolf / ICONIC
Styling Assistant: 
Hanna Wiebersiek & Lyubov Sachkova
