Vava: Post-Industrial Futurism


Founded on the principles of Bauhaus and minimalism, Vava is an eyewear brand inspired by a post-industrial world; an age of decay and regeneration. Looking towards cities like Detroit and Berlin as physical representations of this notion, they both faced industrial and economic success and collapse. Berlin facing complete destruction in WW2 and isolation in the Cold War left it with nothing, redefining it as a pole of regeneration, forcing itself to redefine itself from its painful past. Equally, following the decline of the automobile industry in Detroit due to the internationalization of industry, the city faced economic and social crisis. The techno movement of the 80s was where Detroit carved a future for itself; technology emerged as a salvation for the city.

This brand positions itself between this interesting divide: the decay of the post-industrial world, with the promise of a technologically focussed future. It does not reject its industrial past, nor does it wholly grasp its technological future, but wavers hesitantly between the two, stripping away the clutter to distill something built on form and minimalism. In a world which left industrialisation behind, it has become one of high speed technology, turbo capitalism, and media revolution; a world cluttered by modern technology.

Vava proposes a deceleration, a purism; a step away from this mess and incessant information to a new found minimalism. The brand focusses on quality and originality. Produced in a small independent Italian factory, it avoids mass production and maintains freedom of production at all costs. It builds its philosophies on simple design, with simple shapes and clean lines. The use of flat  lenses across the entire range harks back to 1980s design where geometric shapes were distinctly in style, the use of acetate frames ensure 100% recyclability of the products, whilst the crystal lenses ensure utter purity of vision. There is an unparalleled attention to detail with this brand, and a truly unique approach to product manufacturing.





