Hermano Silva

Hermano Silva

Berlin-based fashion and lifestyle journalist Hermano Silva has grabbed our attention with his hybrid talent and cross-discipline career, bridging the worlds of fashion photography, editing and writing.

Born in 1984 in Boa Vista, Brazil, Hermano went on to study journalism, graduating in 2005, before moving to London to study for an MA in fashion photography, for which he graduated with distinction. Since then, he has written and had his photography featured in numerous international publications, such as Brazilian Vogue, GQ Style, and The Telegraph to name but a few.

He draws much of his inspiration from Berlin itself, pointing to the ever changing landscape of the city; one which is not yet set in its ways, but perpetually evolving. He desires to play a part in shaping the future, rather than merely fitting into a “moving engine,” and it’s Berlin that offers him this creative freedom.

Just like his career, his photography is varied in style, from eclectic black and white imagery, to provocative portraiture. However, what runs through the majority of his work, is the subtle provocation and cultural message that he intertwines with his models. In his editorial “Carol” for  Œ Magazine issue 6, he explores the multifaceted qualities of humanity and the hidden desires in even the most staid archetypes. Likewise, in his editorial “Hairwear project” he challenges the current taboo on body hair, dressing his model in a top completely covered in what appears to be hair. In a society that deems hairlessness to be beautiful, his work makes us question our current and distinctly prescriptive definitions of beauty. A young photographer with a lot to say; we look forward to what he has to offer next!

Hermano Silva

Hairwear project

Hairwear project

Hermano Silva

