Introducing Hanna Pordzik


The world of designer jewelry has been experiencing a strong creative surge these days, with accessory adornments becoming more strange, edgy, and markedly more imaginative. High end and high street alike are embracing inventive jewelry that push the envelope with design and statement. The significance of this movement is the market accommodation for innovation and fantasy for something that, let’s be honest, was once quite boring or just plain too expensive for the average Joe or ordinary Jane. Jewelry these days are not just a marker of status (as they have always been) but are also a marker of taste and style. With the right design eye, concrete, plastic, and even trash (in the case of Tom Binns) can be crafted into something as valuable as gold. Girls and guys everywhere are incorporating statement jewelry pieces—expensive and dirt cheap—into daily wear to update their looks.


Keeping abreast the times, we are constantly trawling for novelty jewelry and accessories that embody this new direction in accessory design. Hanna Pordzik Berlin and its collection of jewelry and objects crafted from pyrite, resin, and concrete, are a fine example of the promising pieces that have embraced this new ideal and are available on the market at reachable prices. Hanna Pordzik, the designer behind her eponymous line creates geometric and sculptural jewelry pieces that experiment with a combination of materials. For Hanna, jewelry design is the perfect mix between fashion and product design.  Her pieces are about the elegance found in simplicity and strong shapes and, on occasion, they play with the dichotomy of fragility and strength. My favorite piece is the origami dove cube pendant—a paper dove encased in a resin cube.

Hanna’s design journey began early on when she completed her apprentice program at the opera house in Hannover, creating costumes for the opera, theater and ballet.  She went on to study product and industrial design at the Berlin University of the Arts and subsequently established her own label in 2011. The collection is available in her online shop and at Konk Berlin.

hanna origami_dove_cube

hanna geometry

hanna pyrite

